25 days to go until Ironman Cozumel and I’m trying not to FREAK OUT. Why? My foot pain has returned!
I’m in Las Vegas for work Monday-Friday this week, and I was already worried about how this trip would affect my Ironman training. I brought my bike pedals, bike shoes, and a pedal wrench so I could hopefully turn the hotel spin bike into something that more closely mirrors my bike that I couldn’t bring with me.
As soon as my plane touched down in Vegas, I realized I was sick. Crap. That was what I thought was going to be my biggest problem of the week. I hit up Target and bought a variety of cold meds and Zicam. Monday night was the worst of it, so I decided to work the SEMA show Tuesday morning.
I was literally on my feet from 8am-130pm before sitting down once. I wore TOMS thinking those would be a perfect comfy option to wear at the show. After I got back to my hotel room, had lunch, and went to stand up again, it felt like my heel was bruised. WTF? Not again! I stayed in bed until I had to walk back to the show and wore Converse this time. Still no relief. The pain increased all the way to dinner, and I was limping. I tried to stay off my foot as much as possible, and as soon as I got back to my hotel room, I went straight to the ice bucket.
My hotel room doesn’t have a bathtub (shower only), so I decided to make use of a trash can for my DIY ice bath.
DIY Hotel Room Ice Bath
1. Fill ice bucket completely with ice from hotel vending machine
2. Line a trash can (or 2) with a plastic bag
3. Dump ice in trash
4. Fill trash can with cool water to desired height
5. Stick foot in ice bath for up to 20 minutes
I was in tears for the first 4 minutes because my foot was stinging so badly and because I was very afraid that my foot injury had returned. I haven’t had foot pain in a good amount of time. It originally started on August 17th, and I couldn’t even walk without pain or limping. It lasted for about 1 month, and got better week by week. Now, I’m back to trying to do everything in my power to keep it from getting back to how bad it was back then.
I got Jeremy on the phone, and he gave me an amazing pep talk on Ironman Cozumel. (He always knows how to calm me down.)
I need to:
– Stay positive. Worrying won’t make anything better. It will only cause unnecessary anxiety.
– Take it one day at a time. I shouldn’t worry about how many days are left until my race. (25. ah hem.) I need to focus on today and tomorrow, and just take it day by day.
– Remember that my body will know when it’s race day. The body is capable of incredible things. Even if I have foot pain on race day, I will get through it. I don’t care if I am crawling across the finish line, as long as I FINISH!
– This is part of the journey that will make finishing the Ironman even more incredible. The race is going to be one of the toughest things I’ve ever done. The journey to get to race day is also not easy. (Juggling work, injuries, 15 hour training weeks, illness, travel, lack of free time, no money for anything other than triathlon, etc). It is probably why so few people attempt such a distance…and why those people think I am crazy. 🙂
And with that, I’m off to find a place where I can swim laps before I’m on my poor foot again all afternoon for work. Ohhh Vegas.
Do you have any other tips to share on how to stay mentally strong until race day?
Hi Asia,
First of all, good luck at Ironman, the advice that your body knows when it’s race day is spot on. I’ve been suffering from plantar fascitis for months, so I can completely relate. Have you also tried rolling your foot on a frozen water bottle or golf ball?
Also, if you need a really good place to swim, check out the Henderson Multigenerational Center. A google search should take you to it. You’ll want to call first to inquire about lane availability, and specify the competition pool. It’s wonderful, and is that low chorine salt water. You’ll pay $2 to enter, if I remember right, and they have equipment on deck as well.
Thank you for the reco! It looks like that pool is 14 miles away from me, unfortunately, so that could be an expensive cab ride. (I’m by the convention center near the strip.) I might also try a Las Vegas Athletic Club? Today I just swam in my hotel pool which is much shorter. Better than nothing!
My coach has told me to do the ice bucket, but I’m also rolling my foot on a foam roller. I like those ideas. 🙂
Remember my knee pain? It started a month before the race and continued to bother me even two days before the race. Then race day came and it was magically gone! Just like in Chrissie’s book, your body will know when it’s time to race and you will get through it and you will cross that finish line!!!!
Yes, I remember that now! Thank you for the words of wisdom, Ironman! 🙂
Good luck with the Iron Man, hope the pain goes away. Stay positive and trust all will be ok on race day.
Thank you so much! Staying positive is the hardest part, but I know it’s what I need to do!