Day 2/30 Monday March 13, 8:15pm, near Masaya, Nicaragua
Something CRAZY happened over lunch. My family and I received a WhatsApp message from my sister Aden that said she was in an ambulance on her way to DELIVER HER BABY EARLY. She’s 34 weeks but just got diagnosed with preeclampsia at her doctor’s visit, so she should be having a baby…well…any moment now! This is exciting, but the conditions surrounding it are unsettling, especially since my family and I are miles apart. I’m in Nicaragua. My mom is at home in San Diego. My dad is in Beloit on a business trip. Aden is in Austin at the hospital. So yeah. We’re pretty spread out. I feel the urge to hop on a plane to be by her side, but I know that our parents will be there tomorrow, so that puts me more at ease. This is her third baby, and her deliveries are no joke! She had her second baby on her living room floor, delivered by Jordan and my mom while they were on the phone with 911. (Yes, you read that correctly.) How is it that the first delivery was the “easiest”? I was there by her side for the entire thing, and she handled it like a champ. I even played the theme song from Rocky while she was pushing! The nurse looked at me like I was crazy, but Aden appreciated it. I know every pregnancy is different, but oh the stories my sister could tell! I’m currently checking my phone like crazy for updates. There are only a couple of hours left in the day. If my new niece arrives tomorrow, she will share her b-day with my dad. Happy birthday, Dad! Happy birthday baby girl! I can’t wait to meet you!

Mom, Skye, Aden, me, Dad
Please send good thoughts to my sis!! I’ll have an update for everyone tomorrow! Peace out, day 2 of my writing challenge. xoxo